Thursday, June 2, 2011

Oh, Canada...Land that was Kirk's Home

Looking back from the last post, I cannot believe it has been several months! To present a slight recap, our family of six traveled to Canada to visit Kirk's family and friends.A major highlight for me, aside from seeing loved ones, was a birthday celebration with lobster and Kate's Dora ice cream cake!It was great to see our kids reconnect and have a carefree week with family they love so much!We traveled along the coast and met up with childhood best friend Sheldon.I am not sure he realized he signed up for a daylong tour after just traveling down to see us, but was hilarious to see the one-and-only college boombox at his cabin!It was great to see Kirk in his element--relaxed and just a sense of being home.

To make up for some lost time, I will continue to post updates on some awesome life changes here VERY soon!!  Stay tuned!

Running on His love, the Zimmermans

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