Saturday, January 8, 2011

Getting the "OK" . . .


   Today Caleb and I first received the news that our adoption process was "okay-ed".  The journey has started!  Yep, we were all sitting at the kitchen table and there was a pause while Megan looked on the computer for our Lion King song (we call it Dos Vuh-den-ya, haha) . . . the African one, I don't know its name (we're adopting from Africa, so it fits).  What a great opening.  
   Anyway.  I can honestly say I was speechless - something that happens often, but still.  I thought it would happen, but at the same time I didn't.  Like it was some far off dream or something that was there but still distant . . . and now its HERE.  I'm so excited.  Caleb was also speechless (which DOESN'T happen often).  We all agree that a baby boy from Africa would be the cutest thing.  I don't know why, I usually go for the girls (we have to stick together).  Although we're gonna have to cut back from stuff like shopping (yikes!) and eating out (even worse) I wouldn't change the decision for the world.  
   Coming from a bi-racial family in Fishers, I think it would be a good idea to have two children from another country because then they can have somebody that looks like them and they don't feel too different (even though different is what makes us unique and special).  Since we are a BIG family, people better watch out if they say anything less than positive about my siblings - I already consider them here.  Nobody messes with family.
   Unless God wishes it otherwise, in maybe two years our family will be blessed with a new addition.  One more can't hurt, we're already a zoo.  Well, maybe two can't hurt, but that's it. (Caleb and I have four little brothers and sisters from both families.)
   The quote at the top of our blog page basically defines our family, which is why we picked it.  "I'd rather regret something I've done than something I didn't do."  What an awesome quote?  I don't know who said it (or if it was made up), but our family definitely takes those risks and goes with it.  Just to explain a little.

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