Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gonna Be Exhausted!!

Black Friday is the most genius invention in the world.  I mean, wake up at 3 in the morning to shop, all those incredible sales, all those cute clothes...  yep, that's the good stuff.  WE CAN'T WAIT!!

But anyway, I am very thankful to be with my family today and all the amazing food we ate (my gram is an awesome cook).  And although the only thing I ate was mashed potatoes- yes I was made fun of, but what can you say?- I can appreciate how fortunate I am.  I'm counting down the hours for tomorrow... cheesy potato casserole, here I come:).  I know Meg's looking forward to it too.

We're thinking of adopting siblings from Ethiopia, Africa (6+2= a Zimmerman Zoo?).  I am so excited because I've really been wanting to make a difference in someone's life lately.  How many people can say "My sister's from Africa" or "Yeah, there's six kids in our immediate family".  I mean, that's just plain cool.  And it's really important to adopt kids from there because Ethiopia's one of the most impoverished places you can adopt from.  I hope we adopt two girls, but I definitely won't be upset if we adopt a boy.  I already have three brothers, so one or two more couldn't hurt, right?  

Well, pictionary's calling to me.... my team need's me.  You gotta love Thanksgiving.  

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